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Want To Jump Start Your Business To The Next Level?

Hybrid 1:1 & Group Coaching Program


You started a business so full of excitement and enthusiasm. Your dream of freedom and living a laptop lifestyle will soon become a reality!

But a few months down the line you are close to burn out. Yet you wake up to check your messages only to find there's been no sales or bookings.

You feel like such a failure. Doubt starts creeping in. Maybe what you offer is just not good enough. Maybe it's you... Not skilled, qualified or experienced enough...

The truth is, when first getting started it can be a struggle.

You're doing all the things but you are:

  • Spinning your wheels not knowing where to start.

  • Getting in your own way, lacking clarity and focus.

  • Throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping one sticks.

  • Starting to feel stuck with a business that's becoming a costly hobby.

  • After Months Of Trial and Error I Finally Cracked It

  • I invested over $20K in programs to learn all the tools and "proven" strategies only to find the best way was to forge my own path that I feel aligned with.

  • I discovered that Mindset is 80% of the strategy to success because of deep rooted beliefs!

  • I found a quick and effective way to eliminate major blocks getting in the way to move forward with ease.

  • I made more money than I was making in my managing job working half the time!

  • Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t easy. In fact it’s harder than you would think, and that’s because I took the leap with NO PLAN. For months I did it all alone. I had no help. I didn't invest in ME!

    You don't have to do it alone and today you can get access to a program that combines Mindset and Strategy to help you create a Roadmap To Success and achieve your goals with ease!

    And the best thing about this program? You get to work on what matters most to YOU so you can Quantum Leap to Success on your own terms.

      Business Success Mindset & RTT Coach

    • My extensive 20+ years experience is in training, sales, marketing, coaching, mentoring and management. I started training clients on online shopping at 17 years old, back in the dial-up days! 

      Growth is important. I am a multi-certified Coach and qualified in Rapid Transformational Therapy by Marisa Peer.

      Donna Liza, KoruLife Coaching and RTT Hypnotherapy


    • Develop a solid foundation and plan for growth with a unique strategy that feels aligned to you.

    • Master your mindset so you can confidently pivot to a business you love.

    • Say Goodbye! to Imposter Syndrome, Self Sabotage, Money, Sales or Visibility Blocks.

    • 12weeks Live Group Coaching plus fortnightly Q&A.

    • 6 months access to an exclusive group for accountability support.

    • 1:1 Roadmapping and Rapid Transformational Therapy session.


    • 2X 1:1 coaching and accountability check-in sessions.

    • "How to DIY" website, funnel, email automation and more on a small budget.

    • Access to "Journey To Purpose" program.

    • Templates and workbooks to make it simple and easy.

    What past clients have to say.

    Sarah Burrows

    "Working with Donna has empowered me to make change and keep momentum up. I have challenged some of my biggest fears about public speaking, giving me huge insight into my personal blocks. I feel confident to move in the direction and will continue to keep her in my life to support me in the future. Donna has a lovely way of challenging you to help you develop you in your stretch zone, whilst remaining warm, compassionate and supportive the entire time."

    Laura Krasij

    "I found the sessions with Donna empowering and enlightening. From our first session together I felt so much clearer on the path I needed to be on to fulfil my goal. I went into the session feeling a little lost and very overwhelmed with the task in front of me and came away with such motivation. I completed my first action within 30minutes of getting off the call and the momentum kept going from there."


    "Elsie A, Melbourne"

    "My coaching sessions with Donna have encouraged below surface-level self reflective thinking, which has led to bigger questions and thought processes, instead of just accepting the way they are – this deeper level of thinking has also allowed me to see a different perspective of myself as a person, and what I have to offer, instead of leading my life based on other peoples thoughts and opinions of me.

    These coaching sessions have helped me break life-time habits of negative self-talk, negative self-perception and self-imposed limitations that were holding me back in many aspects of my life.

    I truly believe that my life coaching sessions, in conjunction with other tools, have helped me see the bigger picture of who I am, why I am, and how I can build up from that."

    Next Intake July 2021

    Get an early bird discount for this epic hybrid program that will help you create and Quantum Leap Your Soulful Business To Success!

    Yes, Book A Call!

    Here's Everything That You Get

    (Plus Extra Bonuses)

    This Is A Limited Time Offer

    • 12 weeks Live Coaching Plus Fortnightly Q&A's [$2600 Value]

    • 1:1 On-Boarding and Roadmapping Session [$260 Value]

    • 1:1 Rapid Transformational Therapy Session [$500 Value]

    • Bonus: 2X Coaching & Accountability Check-in [$260 Value]

    • Bonus: "How To DIY" website, funnel and more [$790 Value]

    • Bonus: "Journey To Purpose" program. [$530 Value]

    • Bonus: 5X Monthly Group RTT sessions. [$1250 Value]

    • Access to an exclusive community. [Priceless!]

    Total Value: $6190

    Early Bird Price: $2300

    Yes, Book A Call!
  • Prices are in USD. Book a discovery call now to apply for this program. Limited spaces available.


    The subconscious mind is key.

    Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) 

    You don't have to spend months or years trying to figure out what's stopping you. The best part about this program is you can choose what major block you want to work on a 1:1 basis, whether business or personal.

    By accessing the subconscious mind through a deeply relaxed state of hypnosis, we can quickly and effectively get to the root cause of the issue, change the meaning and create a lasting change.

    Get a breakthrough with the multi-award winning Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) by world renowned British Therapist Marisa Peer.

    RTT is a hybrid form of hypnotherapy that combines elements of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Psychotherapy.

    I specialise in Imposter Syndrome, Self Sabotage, Confidence, Money or Visibility blocks but I have also helped clients with issues such as fear of public speaking, anxiety and depression.

    This program is truly life changing - the Return On Investment is limitless!

    A Peek Inside The Program

    The next intake will start in July 2021 and content may vary slightly.

    Quantum Leap Your Success Today!

    Early Bird Price: $2300 









    Yes, Book A Call!
  • Prices are in USD. Book a discovery call now to apply for this program.

  • © 2022 KoruLife. Coaching and RTT Hypnotherapy. All Rights Reserved

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